A little about me...

Who am I? What have I achieved? Why do I want to go to college?

Saurav K.Saurav K.
A little about me

I'm a self-proclaimed dreamer and lover of all things creative. I like to think that I'm the kind of person who doesn't just sit back and watch life go by but the one who actually lives it. I'm a person who likes to think outside the box. I'm the kind of person who doesn't just mindlessly follow the rules—I like to question them and figure out why they exist in the first place. I'm someone who wants to make a difference in the world.

I am a lover of words—especially the ones that can be strung together to create something beautiful. I'm also a lover of music and art, which is why I enjoy writing so much: it's my way of expressing myself through something other than words alone.

I'm the kind of person who is always striving to be better than I was yesterday—not just because it's good for my own personal development and growth, but because I have an insatiable desire to help others become better people as well. My friends know me as charming and funny—and they're right!

There are a lot of other things that I could tell you about me. I have a passion for startups, my favorite color is black, and I'm a huge fan of Messi. But those are just things that describe me.

I've done a lot. I've climbed mountains; I've scored the highest SAT score in the history of my high school; I've got a solid 4 out of 4 GPA in my SEE; I've defeated my worst addiction; I've received the Karate Black Belt after years of grueling physical, mental and spiritual training; I've learnt web development entirely from the Internet; I've led nonprofits; I've accomplished hundreds of hours of community service work; I've been on the front lines in the fight against mental health crisis; I've spearheaded SaaS companies; I've gained real-world hands-on experience about all things finance, marketing and business; I've gotten into and out of trouble. But mostly, in these past years, I've been on a journey of self-discovery.

I'm going to college to learn how to learn. I want to know how to pursue my passions and share them with the world, so that when people look at me they don't just see a person—they see the sum total of all the things that have happened in my life.

I want to be challenged, and I want to have a community of mentors and peers who add depth and breadth to my experiences. I want to truly find myself. I want a community of diverse individuals, all with the same goal: to make the world a better place through their own passions, and in the process, learn how to work together with others. I've always loved learning, but it's not just about knowledge for me—it's about connecting with people and being part of something bigger than myself. That's why I'm going to college: because it will help me grow as an individual, become part of something bigger than myself, and prepare me for what lies ahead in life after college—and beyond!