Saurav K.Saurav K.
From Zero to Hero: How I Scored 145/160 on the Duolingo English Test in Record Time


Ah, the infamous Duolingo English Test (DET). It's the test that has left many language learners scratching their heads in confusion and frustration. But fear not, my fellow language enthusiasts, for I have cracked the code to acing the DET in just a few hours. Yes, you heard that right, just a few hours!

Now, before I reveal my secrets, let me give you a little background on why I decided to take the DET. I needed to fulfill the English proficiency requirements for one of the top universities in the US, and the DET seemed like a great option since it's relatively cheap and can be taken from the comfort of my own home. So, I rolled up my sleeves, fired up my laptop, and got to work.

Practicing with the Official Practice Tests

First things first, I decided to take advantage of the official practice tests that are available on Duolingo. These tests are a great way to gauge your level and identify areas where you need to improve.

I took all three practice tests in one sitting because, let's be honest, who has time to take them separately? As I answered question after question, I realized that the DET is more about comprehension and speed than anything else. So, I made sure to practice reading and listening exercises on Duolingo to improve my comprehension skills. And let me tell you, those timed exercises really helped me get comfortable with working under pressure.

Watching Teacher Luke's Videos

Next up, I turned to my trusty friend, YouTube, and found Teacher Luke's videos. If you haven't heard of him, you're missing out! Teacher Luke is a British guy who makes videos about English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

I watched some of his videos on the DET, but I found this one in particular to be very helpful. I highly recommend watching his videos because they're not only informative, but they're also to-the-point.

The Day of the Test

Finally, the day of the test arrived. I woke up early, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. I had just one day to practice, so I made sure to review my notes and practice exercises on Duolingo one last time.

When it was time to take the test, I logged in and got to work. I was surprised at how quickly the time went by, but I managed to answer all the questions in time. And to my delight, I scored a whopping 145!

Looking back, I realize that the key to my success was staying focused and practicing as much as I could in the short amount of time that I had. The DET might seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and mindset, anyone can do well on it.

Tips for Acing the DET

Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for, my top tips for acing the DET:

1. Practice, practice, practice! The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll feel on test day. Use the official practice tests and Duolingo's exercises to improve your comprehension and speed.
2. Watch Teacher Luke's videos. Not only are they informative, but they're also entertaining. Plus, they're specific.
3. Stay calm and focused on test day. The DET is all about comprehension and speed, so don't waste time overthinking or second-guessing yourself.
4. Don't forget to take breaks. It's important to give your brain a rest so that you don't burn out before the test is over.


In conclusion, the DET might seem intimidating at first, but with the right mindset and tools, anyone can do well on it. So, if you're looking to improve your English skills or fulfill English proficiency requirements, the DET is definitely worth considering. And who knows, you might just surprise yourself with how well you do!